How To Use SSH to Connect to a Remote Server Print

  • SSH, Linux Basics
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How to Establish SSH Connection Using PuTTY

After getting all the SSH connection information, follow the following steps:

1- Launch the PuTTY SSH client, then enter your server’s SSH IP and SSH Port. Click the Open button to proceed.


2- A login as: message will pop up and asks you to enter your SSH username. For VPS users, this is usually root. However, for shared hosting users, you will need to enter a predefined username like u721233450. After entering your username, press Enter.

3- Type your SSH password and press Enter again. For security reasons, the screen won’t show the password but will register what you type.

Congratulations! You have successfully connected to your account using the PuTTY SSH client. You can list all available SSH commands by executing help via the terminal.


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